Saturday, August 02, 2008

I shouldn't, but I'll bite.....

The following comment was made regarding my last post:

God hater.

Let me give you some good advice. If you are walking down the street, and you come across God, your enemy, you will need weapons of power - a sword, a shield, and a dagger. You will need trinkets of magic - a ring, a magic bag, and a shawl.

Don't rely on helpful witches. eBay is your best bet.

I'll respond to this without attacking the anonymous author themselves, in contrast to what they have done. However I always find it curious that some claimants of a form of supernatural belief seem to be the angriest, most violent and unkind people. Chill out.

They claim that am I god hater. Just leaving aside the fact that hate is a very strong word, I don't hate god. How can you hate anything that, looking at all the evidence, doesn't exist. It's like saying I hate the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, or the Tooth fairy. It's a waste of energy to hate the non-existent. All I say is that we don't need the concept of a god or gods to explain the world around us. We've started to grow up.

How will I recognise this god they speak of if I'm walking down the street? Will they be wearing a badge, "Hello! My name is God."? And why does this being need to find me on the street? Can't this god find me anywhere? Why wait? Can I keep finishing each sentence in this paragraph with a question mark?

The weapons required seem a bit medieval. Surely if I'm to face this omnipotent being I'll need more firepower. How about a H-Bomb, or at least a 9 mm Uzi or a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range. A ring, a magic bag and a shawl are probably the best defensive measures. When dealing with imaginary beings it's best to use imaginary objects. And at least the shawl will keep me warm during these cold winter days....

As I don't know any witches, eBay was always going to be my first point of call. Do you think this shawl would look good on me? It's only $1200.


Ms Dodo said...

How brave of anonymous to comment on your post. And how rational.

But much more importantly, I need to step in before you make a serious error of judgement. That shawl is so the wrong colour for you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Crap,

I was wrong to call you god hater. You are god hater * god hater.

You are the kind of empty person who is always demanding proof of God. I will give you proof. You are walking down the street and a being comes up to you and says: "Mr Crap. I am god." You say petulantly "Prove it!"

God says "Fine, no problem. I will contradict the laws of physics, just for you." He waves his wand, and you are turned into a pig.

Even that would not be enough for such as you. You would say: "oh, I am just hallucinating", or "I was always already a pig, I just did not know it" or "this is some magical trick, that science has not yet got the answer for".

All the time you would be going "oink, oink, oink" and everyone else would be laughing because they could not understand you!

In the meantime, I suggest that you seriously consider that shawl. Also, if you come across a kindly old lady in the street who asks for a few copper coins, then if I were you I would give her those coins quick smart. Because, frankly, a witch is your best bet at this time, and I would not be even considering using a laser on God, because that is yesterday's technology.

Unknown said...


My name is Marion Bishop and I'm the webmaster of

Would you be interested in writing an unbiased review of our product?

If you are, we can send you a free sample of the product which we would like you to review, and it is free of any shipping charges.

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Best regards,

Marion Bishop

Anonymous said...

Mr O'Crap,

Let me say how glad I was to see that my good friend not god hater was brave enough to poke his head above the trenches of his idiocy.

On an unrelated topic, I wonder if you have seen the strange resemblance of our glorious vice-leader, Julia Gillard, and the charming and ingenious English actor, Ms Swinton. You can see this at

I trust you are recovering.
