Friday, September 02, 2005

A quick thought

Don't you think it's funny that all those right wing christian groups in the USA who said that the Boxing Day tsunami was god's wrath on those that don't believe in Jesus, but they have kept silent about hurricane Katrina which has hit some of the most Christian areas in the USA? (See map.)


Dave said...

Well, actually, there's no disaster so bad that imbeciles won't turn it to their own aims:

It was the fault of gays:

Or possibly pro-choicers:
Daily Kos

My personal theory is that a deity is punishing Intelligent Design advocates. But there's no evidence to support that. (Or to support my theory, either. Boom-tish!)

'Door said...

I always laugh at the way these guys see things in pictures or objects that aren't really there. Why wait for an image to appear. Create your own.

Anonymous said...

It's not really related to Armageddon, right wing christian groups, greyhounds or shonky pubs, but check out this website:

Sandor, I'm sure the physicist and exponent of proper scientific research and debate in you will enjoy it...

elaine said...

Biblistic Selfnic Bastardism


'Door said...

I'm convinced.

Evil Ass Educators Suppress Time Cube

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Anonymous said...

Be not decieved, God is not mocked.. For in the last day, scoffers will rise, and say, "Where is the promise of His coming?"

Repent, and be saved.God will have mercy on the merciful.